This is the podcast for aspiring writers, an A-to-Z guide to writing, publishing, and promoting your article, book, or any other writing project. Your hosts are Melissa Parks and Dave Goetz, co-founders of Journey Sixty6, an editorial services company and independent publisher for the family business community. Each episode is designed to inspire and instruct writers as they take the long road trip to write and promote their ideas.

Monday Jun 13, 2022
Craft, Voice, and Concept - the Art of Memoir Writing
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
They say to write what you know. It’s no wonder there has been a surge in memoir writing. You know nothing better than yourself. As The Art of Memoir author, Mary Karr, said, “Anyone who’s lived can write one.” But to write a memoir that people want to read requires "craft, voice, and concept." In this episode, we interview Rob Lewis, a writer and editor with Journey Sixty6 who recently ghostwrote a memoir for an orthodox Jewish businessman. Rob walks us through the process of structuring the memoir and how he stayed focused on the larger concept for the story.

Wednesday May 25, 2022
7 Self-Editing Questions to Improve Your Manuscript
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Every writer who has ever stared at a blank screen (or page) has eventually had to lay down a first sentence. And then revise that sentence. Again and again. First drafts are just that - the first of many drafts to come. In this episode, Melissa and Dave identify seven self-editing questions to help you revise your manuscript. One question has to do with the passive voice: Do I use the passive voice too much? Of course, it's okay to use the passive voice occasionally, but it needs to be strategic. You'll come away from this episode with practical ways to make sure your writing is fresh and polished.

Monday May 09, 2022
What Happens after You Sign a Book Contract
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
The countdown begins, after you sign a contract with a publisher. There is a deadline. And, suddenly, there is an urgency to putting a period to your writing, if you haven't yet completed the manuscript. The process shifts from creative to production. In this interview with Dr. Jamie Weiner, he discusses the process of working with a traditional publisher. His book, The Quest for Legitimacy: How children of prominent families find their unique place in the world, releases in early summer. He helps authors manage their expectations during the pre-publishing phase.

Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
7 Questions to Evaluate Your Book Idea
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Every book that is published starts out as a raw, unformed idea in the mind of a writer. A companion of that initial idea is often an emotion: fear. Is my idea really good enough for an entire book? In this episode, Melissa and Dave identify seven questions to help writers evaluate whether their idea is book worthy. One question pertains to passion: Am I passionate enough about this idea to sustain my energy and focus to write 60,000 words? Aspiring writers will come away with some practical ideas to take the next step in their book writing journey.

Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Do You Need a Writing Coach?
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
"Book coach" is a category that for the most part didn't exist several decades ago. There was a literary agent. And the acquisitions editor at the publishing house. Between the two of them, writers found various kinds of help with their manuscript. Today, book coaches help writers with everything from goal setting to developmental editing to building their social media platforms and promoting their books. In this episode, we discuss the duties of an effective book coach and how to set and manage your expectations if you decide to hire one.

Monday Mar 28, 2022
Interior Designer and Influencer Natalie Papier on Starting Her Book Project
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Art, color, and design - these three elements define the brand of Natalie Papier, interior designer and Instagram influencer (@home_ec_op). In this wide-ranging interview, Natalie discusses the role of authenticity in her brand and how she began working on a book project. Through connections on a different project, Natalie found a book proposal editor, who is helping Natalie tease out her ideas for the framework of the book. Natalie makes the trenchant point about timing for one's writing project and how taking on new opportunities can lead to important connections.

Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
The True Definition of Publishing for Writers
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
What does it mean to publish? The original, Latin definition of the word publish means "words made public." In this episode, we make the case that to develop a rich writing life means embracing a broader definition of the word "publish." Even a Christmas letter or a social post is a form of publishing. Every time you write something intended for others to read, you are publishing. So, make it count. This episode will encourage you to persist in your current writing project and thus take the next step towards creating a writing life.

Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
It's always the little things that can make or break a project. In the publishing process especially, an author needs to pay attention to every detail until after the book has been printed. In this interview, Robin Zachary discusses the process to publish her forthcoming book, Styling Beyond Instagram: Take Your Prop Styling Skills from the Square to the Street. She explains how she landed a book deal, but most importantly, she gives aspiring writers some practical tips for when they near the end of the book writing journey. Robin is a stylist/editor/content creator. She styles and produces photo shoots for national magazines and retail brands for social media, video and print. She has been on the faculty of the photography department of the Fashion Institute of Technology for 10 years.

Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Journalist Melinda Wenner Moyer on Researching Her Parenting Book
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Parenting is not for wimps, as the saying goes. Science journalist Melinda Wenner Moyer might say that the biggest parenting challenge is "How to Raise Kids Who Aren't Assholes," the provocative title of her recent book. Melinda has written a column for Slate magazine and publishes regularly with the New York Times. In this interview, she discusses the "scaffolding" (structure) of her book chapters and her writing process. She also helps writers maintain their voice while integrating research into the narrative.

Sunday Jan 30, 2022
8 Insights into How Editors View Your Manuscript
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Editors serve an audience. A magazine editor keeps his or her job only if the majority of readers renews their yearly subscription. A book editor whose acquisitions are not profitable will need to find a new job. In this episode, Melissa and Dave discuss eight specific insights into how an editor thinks. One is the hyper focus on serving readers. Other insights include their perspective on articles or book proposals that don't immediately arrest their attention. You'll come away with a better sense how to pitch your article or develop your book proposal.